Machine learning is really an enchanting subject. I’m starting with it, aiming at training out a stock market predictor, LOL.


About Machine Learning, the best tutorials I have found out so far is the Standford open class:

You are able to watch the whole series of class videos on Youtube. I have downloaded the videos from Youtube via tool youtube-dl.

To getting start with Tensorflow, you can read these two tutorials:

Setup Environment

To install Tensorflow with Anaconda on Windows, you have to follow the Steps on Tensorflow website. To run the tensorflow environment, use command:

C:\Users\fiona>activate tensorflow

After that, you have to install Jupyter Notebook into your tensorflow conda environment with command:

(tensorflow) C:\Users\fiona>conda install jupyter

To check whether Jupyter is correctly installed under the tensorflow environment, use command:

(tensorflow) C:\Users\fiona>which jupyter

The correct path should be like this:


And make sure Jupyter is pointing to the correct Python:

(tensorflow) C:\Users\fiona>jupyter kernelspec list

For the tensorflow environment, the correct python path should be like this:

Available kernels:
  python3    C:\Users\fiona\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\resources

Trouble Shooting

  • Python 3.6

If you have installed Python 3.6 in your conda environment, it’s a pity that currently tensorflow doesn’t support 3.6 yet. Here is the feature discussion thread: Python 3.6 support [feature requests]. A simpler solution for you is to revert back to Python 3.5. To do it, use command:

(tensorflow) C:\Users\fiona>conda install python=3.5.3

Thus, the Python is reverted back to 3.5 and you are able to install Tensorflow in it.

  • Jupyter 404

Another thing is if you launch Jupyter Notebook from path C:\

(tensorflow) C:\>jupyter notebook

you will meet error:

404 : Not Found. You are requesting a page that does not exist!

On the command console, it says:

Refusing to serve hidden directory via 404 Error.

To work around this error, you can either run your Cmd as Administrator, or you should go to user’s home directory to launch Jupyter Notebook.

(tensorflow) C:\>cd c:\Users\fiona
(tensorflow) C:\Users\fiona>jupyter notebook

Done. It paves the way for your adventure with Tensorflow and Machine Learning.