The document below tells you every detail about how to make and register a C# .NET Managed Assembly for COM Interop:

How to call a managed DLL from native Visual C++ code in Visual Studio.NET or in Visual Studio 2005

The only defect is that it is targeted at Visual Studio 2005. Hence, in Visual Studio 2013, there are some minor differences.

  • How to open Visual Studio 2013 Command Prompt

Select Tools -> External Tools, Click Add. Fill in the fields as below:

Title VS2013 Native Tools-Command Prompt
Commands C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Arguments /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
Initial directory Select what you prefer

Thus, you can access command prompt under the Tools Menu. The other way to do it is simply opening a Command Console. Then run the batch file “VsDevCmd.bat” in the console. It works the same way.

  • Assembly Info and Signing

In the AssemblyInfo.cs file, replace the following lines:

[assembly: ComVisible(true)]
[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]

Then, select the project, open Properties. In the Signing tab, choose the SNK file.

  • Register DLL for COM Interop

Open a Command Console as Administrator, run the command prompt:

 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe XXX.dll /tlb:XXX.tlb /codebase

My .NET framework version is v4.0.30319.

  • Marshaling

This MSDN doc Interop Marshaling talks about Marshaling. In my own usecase, I have met the conversion table below:

.NET COM client
string BSTR

In C++ native codes, to define a BSTR, the code snippet is:

 BSTR name = ::SysAllocString(L"The string");