I have written an Angular app to track NSW COVID-19 cases Visit this app in a new tab. You can see this app is hosted on GitHub. Actually, it is very easy to host your Angular app on GitHub. Take my project nsw-covid-19 for instance:

1. Install angular-cli-ghpages globally

npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages

2. Production build


"build:prod": "ng build --prod --base-href /nsw-covid-19/"

Build the app for production. The –base-href is pointing to the “/<repository-name>/” on GitHub. On GitHub, my repository is named “nsw-covid-19”.

3. Make sure the files are generated right under the dist folder

After running the build command, I found the files are generated under “dist/nsw-covid-data”. It’s because when I initiated the Angular app, I called it “nsw-covid-data”. In angular.json file, the “defaultProject” is “nsw-covid-data”. And in the build option, the default output path is pointing to:


"build": {
  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
  "options": {
    "outputPath": "dist/nsw-covid-data",

You can either change the outputPath to dist, or you can run a shell script to move the files up from “dist/nsw-covid-data” to “dist”.


mv dist/nsw-covid-data/* dist/ && rm -rf dist/nsw-covid-data

4. ngh


Now, you are able to visit your app hosted at https://username.github.io/repository-name. In my example, it’s at https://yuezhizizhang.github.io/nsw-covid-19.